Mood Disorders

Depression and anxiety are the two most common difficult emotions that we all experience at some point in our lives. Depression can range from mild, such as feeling down to a deep depression which can be life threatening. Similarly, anxiety may range from feeling nervous to an immobilizing panic. Both may occur as a response to an external event or an internal one, and both respond well to therapeutic interventions.
Symptoms of depression may include: Symptoms of anxiety may include:
Feeling down, irritable, hopeless Feeling nervous, anxious, on edge
Tired, having little energy, not motivated Constant worrying, repetitive thoughts
Loss of pleasure in activities Feeling edgy, restless or irritable
Changes in appetite, weight loss, weight Irrational fears, phobias
Thoughts of suicide or feeling you would Panic attacks
be better off dead
Loss of interest in sex
Recently it has been found that excessive on line use is resulting in "internet" depression. Though poorly understood, some of the negative effects emerging include:
A lessening of social connections, underdeveloped social skills and an altered sense of intimacy
Impaired ability to manage emotions
On line addiction is an addiction
Evaluate your activity.
How does your online behavior make you feel?
Are you returning to your computer frequently for non-essential contacts, repeatedly checking mail, reading or sending frequent posts
Who are you in contact with, what content are you immersed in, who are you following and how does this make you feel
Consider these changes:
Limit contact with negative, sites, people and other behavior which causes you to feel stressed, anxious, angry or lowers your energy
Get out of unhealthy groups and leave people who bring you down
Be aware of what you are searching for
Surround yourself with positive energy