Relationship and Marital Issues

All of our relationships are defined by what each person brings into the interaction and how they participate. Our knowledge of relationships begins during infancy where we first encounter gratification and frustration. This we learn on a basic physical level. We know what it feels like to be satisfied and to be frustrated. Even without having the words to describe this, we have an intimate knowledge of these basic feelings. During childhood we are invited to participate in many different types of interactions. We begin to understand some of the rules and guidelines that govern our behavior. We observe, practice, alter and refine our skills as we learn about relationships and how they function.
Over time each of us learns our own unique style. We behave in certain ways depending on the situation and learn more effective skills and abilities. We act one way with friends, another with strangers, another with family or intimate partners. Work relationships differ from personal ones. We even learn how to relate to pets, animals. The process is one of learning how to communicate our thoughts, feelings, desires, wishes, fears, emotions - all of what goes into making us human.
Life is dynamic. It is ever changing and continually unfolding in front of us. It demands that we adjust. Problems occur when we are unable to manage this. Our needs change, our wants and desires change. Those of our partner change. Communication may falter, patterns become ineffective and the relationship struggles. Psychotherapy can illuminate not only the problems but also the patterns of how we relate, where they are effective and where they are not. All behavior is purposeful and sometimes our interactions do not provide us with what we need. Therapy allows you to understand your needs and desires, how to fulfill these, how to communicate this and how to repair a relationship to a satisfying, dynamic and fulfilling place. Your psychologist may meet with you alone or with the significant others in your life. Either way, the changes will bring you more happiness, joy and satisfaction.